When it comes time to create business growth through new products and services in the world, the stakes are high and the risk is everywhere. Risk, in the traditional sense of business, lack of evaluation, which may result from taking action. If the estimated risk level is too high, the people working in the business as usual paradigm to seek less risky alternative, or even abandon the action as a whole. This negative definition of risk does not exist in the vocabulary of most designers. Authors, from leading design firm IDEO, shows that for the designers, the risk is a measure of disadvantage, but instead, it is a measure of growth and opportunity. If the risk is not great, they might well ask yourself, "Why?" The authors provide the first seven steps that managers can take to reach a designer approach to risk.
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by Diego Rodriguez and Ryan Jacoby Source: Rotman School of Management, 4 pages. Publication Date: 01 May 2007. Prod. #: ROT043-PDF-ENG