This "Innovation in State and local self-government" case will begin in January 1983, when Ellen Schall appointed Commissioner of the Department of New York juvenile institutions shocks. DJJ was created to hold seven to fifteen-year-old children from arrest and adjudication. Most charges DJJ conducted a 25-year-old safe custody called "Spofford", as we know, violence and dilapidated facilities in the South Bronx. case describes the situation as Schall walks in it. In addition to the internal tensions and significant operational problems in each division, the agency has a history of bad press and feuds with City Hall. department is also struggling with the deep racial and class tensions between employees, and with great confusion in their mission. thing ends Schall planning to talk to a new group of young consultants, trying to formulate a vision of the agency. Case offers students an opportunity to diagnose ills agency and outline the strategic course of action. Among the topics for discussion: How Schall go about assembling the executive team? How should it apply confusion agency mission? What should it make racial tensions How it should get involved with the smallest operational challenges her agency divisions? HKS Case Number 793.0 "Hide
by Pamela Varley, Arnold Howitt 17 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 1987. Prod. # : HKS022-PDF-ENG