The case looks at Ian Lambert's first year as the brand new general manager of ElektroSecur, a Canadian SMB with about 40 workers, specialized in the production and supply of emergency vehicle technologies. Part A of the case focuses on his first six months in the job (September 2012 to February 2013), while Part B shifts focus to the subsequent six months (March to August 2013). Part A: Ian Lambert took over as general manager of ElektroSecur in September 2012. The firm was founded in 1997 by its two current owners, Daniel Dufour and Marc Rorty, who are respectively president and vice-president, business development. ElektroSecur had an annual income of approximately $7 million created by some 50 in-house products and nearly 100 products distributed by it. The organization was making a little net profit of no more than $20,000 a year and had consistently fought to remain profitable. Part B: Contrary to what Ian had expected after six months on the job (Part A), the business ' fiscal situation did not improve over the subsequent six months. Fiscally speaking, it was shaping up to be the worst year in the business's history. Up to the month of May, sales were more devastating than ever.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE