In 1966 Harvard Business Review article, Felix Kaufmann asked general managers to think beyond their own organizational boundaries of inter-organizational system (IOS) - networked computers that enable companies to communicate and process information across organizational boundaries. It was a far-sighted argument that is already becoming a reality of business actions in the American Hospital Supply Corporation and American Airlines grew two legendary strategic IT applications that changed the face of their respective industries. By doing so, they helped change the role so that it has become a tool to support trade - organizational strategies, structures and systems through which the organization operates with buyers, sellers and other industry participants. Today, many of the most dramatic and potentially powerful use of IT to include networks that extend beyond the company. These IOS allow companies include customers, suppliers and partners in the modernization of its core business processes, thereby increasing productivity, quality, speed and flexibility. "Hide
by Lynda M. Applegate, Janis L. Gaughan 16 pages. Publication Date: July 25, 1995. Prod. #: 196006-PDF-ENG