Electrical Engineering lab report Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Electrical Engineering lab report Case Study Solution

Table 2.2: Core Loss Data.
f = 30 Hz f = 40 Hz f = 50 Hz f = 60 Hz
Es W Es W Es W Es W
Volts Watts Volts Watts Volts Watts Volts Watts
21 2.2 28 3.2 35 3.9 42 7
31 4.7 42 6.1 52 8 63 15
42 7 55 10 69 15 83 23
52 10 69 15 86 20 104 29
63 15 83 23 104 29 125 39


Table 2.3: Data Sheet for Eddy-Current and Hysteresis Losses.
f = 30 Hz f = 40 Hz f = 50 Hz f = 60 Hz
Bm Pe Ph Pe Ph Pe Ph Pe Ph
Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts
0.4 1.30000 0.06 2.311111111 0.08 3.611111111 0.1 5.2 0.12
0.6 2.80000 0.09 4.977777778 0.12 7.777777778 0.15 11.2 0.18
0.8 4.50000 0.12 8 0.16 12.5 0.2 18 0.24
1 4.50000 0.15 8 0.2 12.5 0.25 18 0.3
1.2 4.50000 0.18 8 0.24 12.5 0.3 18 0.36


With the help of table 2.3 we have generated a graph 02,  according to which, as the value of Bmincreases the value of Peincreases for a certain period of time but after that, the value becomes stable.On the other hand the value of Phincreases proportionally. As the value of frequency increases; the value of Peand Phalso increases.


The conclusion of the above paragraphs is in the core of the transformer when the current is passed or if we apply the power to both the losseseddy current and hysteresis loss occur, and in the result, we face loss in terms of heat, which increases the machine temperature. We can reduce these losses by changing the material of the core.If we change the material then the transformer or machines take less power and produce more output effectively and efficiently........................


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