El Sistema: Vision, Process, Impact   Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

El Sistema: Vision, Process, Impact Case Study Solution

Leadership Philosophy:


The aim of Abreu was to lead the development of better people, along with better musicians,because the ability to learn and play music was based on the development of values, such as:citizenship, commitment, teamwork, discipline, respect and responsibility. Similarly, the initiative to start the provision of music education was based on saving the children from extreme poverty. Although the vision was to do something radical. Under the leadership of Abreu, the norms of music education were defied and were associated with the collective approach of passion, commitment and resilience. The efforts of Abreu were mainly appreciated in around 60 countries across the world.


Abreu had passion for music despite of having a background in economics. At the age of 18, when Abreu moved to Caracas; he attended National Conservatory of Music and studied organ and piano, and composed with the maestros of Venezuela, like: Vincente Emilio Sojo. The rebellion and concern against the social imbalance phenomenon had prompted Abreu to lead the creation of a young orchestra with all the Venezuelan members. In El Sistema, the public performance served as the critical factor for the momentum and motivation. It had its first concert in 1975, after four months of practice, which was attended by ministers and officials.


Based on the purpose and passion behind the development or creation of El Sistema;the provision of music education was supported by different intermediaries. The people involved mainly included children and adolescents of different ages to around 22 years, with low household income, representing below the poverty line category. Due to the poor economic condition, children and adults were involved in criminal activities, which greatly influenced their thought process, ability to make decision, achievement of good grades and performing better. Due to this reason, music education served as the key factor to support the well-being of people in Venezuela.

Understanding organizational behavior:

The Organizational Behavior and Management Leadership have their center competence in corporate management, organizational dynamics, change management, project management and change research. The organization represented a very strong emphasis on the interaction and training of children and adolescents. Because of the inability of the trained adolescents to provide firm knowledge based on the group leaders’ need; the training to learn and play music will be ineffective. Since there was neither particular organizational structure and nor was there any designed strategic approach;corporate change management was concerned of some large corporations to be a competitive threat and some that had recently become more prominent with corporate restructuring, such as in countries like Japan, Germany and others.While there were many individuals within the company who had the ability to bring a change and implement projects successfully through an efficient use of the benefits provided to them, in terms of training of individual behaviour and human capital.

A good training program is one that includes different methods and aspects of learning the skills needed to be effective. One method that could be used in this area of change management is to have a series of one on one training sessions, where one facilitator and one trainer would be available to train all children in one specific skill set. This would help everyone in learning how to work together as a team.This would involve people working together as part of a team, to take control of their own teams.By taking charge of their teams; the team leader i.e. the teachers would be able to set the goals for the project, take charge of communication and ensure that everyone is working in the right direction for the success of the program.

Leadership Applications and Insights:

Leadership skills:

There are several critical skills and traits that are involved with effective leaders.Specific leadership skills training often involves leaders working together on a common task.To improve your business and financial leadership; one skill set you must possess is an effective communication.There is a need to learn how to communicate with all levels of finance in all areas, because the conduct of business operations is primarily based on funding from state. There are certain areas in finance where people will be more comfortable with direct communication such as boardrooms and executive offices of the companies. These areas are rarely open to questions and suggestions, which will assist in making sure that the organization has inability to build a good reputation with the people in the company.

One of the critical leadership skills that is examined, is the ability to motivate and inspire others.Without this ability; it would be extremely difficult to get the group of people together, to accomplish the goals that the organization has aimed for.Similarly, one cannot lead in a business without another critical skill: problem-solving. In this area, there are literally thousands of decisions to make and thousands of problems to solve, such as:strategic decisions regarding the provision of services, the identification of potential customers/children and the need to make change.In. order to develop specific leadership skills;there is a requirement to identify the particular type of leadership style. Each individual leadership style will be different from that of other team members, co-workers and even management and supervisors. Additionally, strategic management skills play key role in the organizational success. Businesses of all sizes require specific skills that can help in creating a winning situation.

Do’s and Don’ts:


  • In leadership, there is a need to make sure that one must understand what the goals and objectives are, and what type of people the leader is trying to reach.
  • A leader should learn to focus on building relationships with other individuals. It is important to make sure to keep relationships with those who the leaderswork and interact with. This will help the leader in building good relationships with them and they will also build trust over the leaders.
  • As a leader, you must know how to make good use of your time and resources. You should be able to prioritize your priorities, and spend time in doing those things that are truly important.
  • In order to be a good leader, you should also make sure that you are working well with your team. They must respect you for the way you lead them, the way you work with them and how you relate to them as a group. A group of people who are respected and appreciated for their efforts and contributions, will thrive and prosper. The more respect they get for themselves; the more they would want to share their knowledge and skills with others.
  • When it comes to getting others to follow your lead, always make the case for them being motivated by the rewards you can give them. You can give those rewards in the form of praise, flexibility and recognition.


  • It is important that you should not try to micromanage everything. In many cases, people do not want to take orders from others, in their job. If the leader is not being effective with this aspect of leadership, then he/she should make sure that he/she delegates his/her duties to others in their organization, in order to avoid the potential for abuse.
  • Do not do anything that can jeopardize your career and the reputation of the organization that you work in as a leader. Some of the things that should be avoided,include: not showing up on time, failing to show up in meetings and ignoring your supervisors.
  • Do not go overboard with the way that the leader leads. There is no need to become extremely involved in everything that is going on in the team and in the organization. This will only take you away from productivity, and it will also get people into more trouble.

Change management opportunities and challenges:

The change processes of the organizations are highly complex. This is due to the fact that most organizations have to deal with a number of issues, at one time. The change processes involve changing the structure and functioning of the organization, restructuring processes, improving the processes, introducing new processes and new procedures and so on.It is important to ensure that people in the process do not consume an increased amount of time in making decisions. This mean that the people involved in the process should have a clear picture of the goals and objectives that the organization is trying to achieve, and they should make sure that they are realistic in their expectations.

When the process is running smoothly, then it becomes important for the leader to encourage teamwork and involvement. This is one way of ensuring that people are able to get on with each other and make progress in the process. Team work is essential to success and failure in the change process. It also encourages creativity and problem solving abilities, and helps in avoiding boredom.As part of the change process; the leader has to lead by example, which means that he or she has to lead by example, i.e. In a manner that inspires the people involved in the process to follow his or her example, and this can be done through rewarding or recognition for good work.

One of the most important advantages of leadership in the change process is that it provides a sense of belonging. People working in a change process feel like they are a part of something that is working successfully, which builds the team spirit. Team spirit is important because it encourages the individual to do what he or she feels is necessary to make progress.Leadership in the change process can also reduce stress in an organization, as it allows a group of people to feel that the organization has a common goal, and they are a part of something and everyone is working towards achieving the same success. It builds a sense of responsibility in the organization and people feel that they are part of something that is working.Leadership also encourages people to use creativity and problem solving skills, as they encourage the use of different types of strategies and techniques. When there is a sense of mutual understanding in an organization, there is a better chance for the whole organization to succeed.

Leadership development can involve building a good relationship with the employees, and understanding the reasons why the employees do not like a certain strategy, the goals of the company and how to solve these problems. Once you have the information at hand, it would be easier to communicate with employees and to make the necessary adjustments. As managers, it is important to develop a communication process between yourself, the leader and the employees.A change will also be required need to be planned and implemented to make sure that the employees are happy with the change. If employees are not happy with the change then this could cause conflicts during the implementation. In some cases, the conflict may be resolved through a trial period, where the employees test the change and decide whether they are happy or not.

Change management:

Leadership in the change process refers to the changes which the organizations undergo due to the external factors. The organizational change is the method through which an organization adapts to the internal changes, and it is defined as the process whereby an organization adjusts to the external changes.Organizations can adapt leadership in a variety of ways, but the change process should include processes that are based on the company’s vision. Leaders need to set the vision of the organization and set the vision of their department or team, and they should also determine the direction which they want to head towards.The manager must ensure that the employee's view is aligned with the vision of the change process, and the change management will determine which way this vision is going to head. It may be important for the manager to explain the benefits of the change to the employee and the way the change will benefit the business and as well as the employee themselves.

It is important to ensure that the people involved in the process do not get lost in the process. There should be a continuous flow of people in the process.When the process is running smoothly, then it becomes important for the leader to encourage teamwork and involvement. This is one way of making sure that the people are able to get on with each other and make progress in the process. Leadership in the change process can also reduce stress in an organization, as it allows a group of people to feel that the organization has a common goal, and they are a part of something big and everyone is working towards the achievement of the same success. It builds a sense of responsibility in the organization and people would feel that they are part of something that is working...................

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