Egara Football Club: Looking For A Front Player From A Financial Prism  Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

 Egara Football Club: Looking For A Front Player From A Financial Prism  Case Solution

Ans no. 6

In the current situation and comparison with highest NPV generating player who is Xavier Merchans having NPV around 700,000 Euros. The price of Cristino Rimado’s signing should be lowered to around 9.25 million Euros. At the price Cristino Rimado’s NPV matches with Xavior Merchans.

Ans no.7

In the current situation and comparison with highest IRR generating player who is Albert Roviroso having IRR 51%. The price of Cristino Rimado’s signing should be lowered to around 7.2 million Euros. At the price Cristino Rimado’s IRR matches with Albert Roviroso.

Ans no. 8

In the current situation and comparison with highest IRR generating player who is Albert Roviroso having IRR 51%. The salary of Xavior Merchans’s should be lowered to around 0.69 million Euros. At the price Xavior Merchans’s IRR matches with Albert Roviroso.

Ans no. 9

To make Cristino Rimado’s signing feasible, around 1.5 million Euros should be paid within three years. At this amount NPV and IRR becomes greater. Additional payback period also becomes lower which improves the overall feasibility of Cristino Rimado.

Ans no. 10

At an assumed discount rate of 24%, Xavior Merchans and Albert Roviroso are good options. I would recommend opting for Xavior Merchans because his NPV and payback are better than Albert. Also, IRR is greater than the company’s required rate of return.


Cristino Rimado
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Signing -10,000,000 - - - - -
Representative Fees -1500000 - - - - -
Collection of shirts - 10800000 4392000 3720000 3780000 3840000
Collection of Stadium - 250000 200000 150000 150000 150000
Wages - -2000000 -2000000 -2000000 -2000000 -2000000
Total -11,500,000 9050000 2592000 1870000 1930000 1990000


Xavier Marchans
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Signing -2750000 - - - - -
Representative Fees -412500 - - - - -
Collection of shirts - 2520000 2379000 2232000 2268000 2304000
Collection of Stadium - 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000
Wages - -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000 -1000000
Total -3162500 1620000 1479000 1332000 1368000 1404000


Dudu Regba
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Signing -1600000 - - - - -
Representative Fees -240000 - - - - -
Collection of shirts - 1512000 1281000 1041600 - -
Collection of Stadium - 100000 - - - -
Wages - -625000 -625000 -625000 - -
Total -1840000 987000 656000 416600 0 0


Albert Rovirosa
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Signing -500000 - - - - -
Representative Fees -75000 - - - - -
Collection of shirts - 180000 366000 558000 744000 1488000
Collection of Stadium - 50000 25000 150000 150000 150000
Wages - -100000 -200000 -300000 -300000 -300000
Total -575000 130000 191000 408000 594000 1338000


Assuming Discount rate 24%
Cristino Rimado Xavier Marchans Dudu Regba Albert Rovirosa
NPV -            32,205.05 €      695,161.65 € -    321,687.05 €       464,272.22 €
IRR 24% 37% 7% 51%
Payback 1.94 yrs 2.04yrs 2.30 yrs 3.32 yrs


_Egara Football Club Looking For A Front Player From A Financial Prism Case Solution

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