Effective Strategies For Improving Success Rates In Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Effective Strategies For Improving Success Rates In Case Study Solution

The challenges are faced by mathematics students with respect to the techniques of learning that originated mainly from approaches of poor teaching and inability to move the appropriate approaches of mathematics learning for resolving of their effective work. Though, it results in contribution of low rates of success and high attrition.

The main obstacle hindering the completion of degrees at college level is due to the lack of awareness among the students.In college, about 40% students enrolled in first-year finish minimum one class of developmental mathematics in their learning term. (Bendickson, 2019)Therefore, such low rates of success exhibits a need to determine ways of teaching programs of developmental courses to address the obstacles faced by students. If the effective strategies of teaching are used by the developmental instructors, this will then assist students in pass their courses of development education with high rates of success. It will also increase the chances of students’ success, meet the needs of industry, contribution of experiences in higher education. The instructors are required to effectively evaluate the strategies which allows the instructor for thorough evaluation of students.Although, the higher learning institutes have not reached at the accord of national level on how to evaluate the required knowledge or the placement of students in the proper courses of remedial. Though, there has been a growing concern on sufficient readiness of mathematics, specifically in approaches to teach courses of mathematics and scientific discipline.

There are a number of obstacles hindering techniques of sufficient teaching in classes of remedial mathematics. According a study conducted by Park et. al in 2017, it was argued that these insufficient techniques of teaching are important in contributing efforts to a student’s failure. One of the obstacle is curricula that has slowed down its pace as needed by the society. This often leads to the teachers of developmental mathematics teaching to the students who lack skills and knowledge i.e. needed to be effective in the mathematics courses at higher college level. Some other complex and multiple factors such as financial, environmental, cultural and curricular obstructs the efforts made by teachers. Obstructions of curriculum to successful teaching such as uncertain descriptions and learning needs disagreements, assumed objectives and goals and sequencing challenges of curriculum. Few opportunities for the development of faculty and need of an award system in terms of teaching are advantageous barriers based on cultures. On the other hand, barriers of environment includes limitation of time, setting, and the space for instructions whereas, financial barriers includes limited budgets of education also position some serious concerns even for the committed teachers. Similarly, some instructors are unaffected by the change and instructors with education about trends in learning might not get assistance for the adaptation of changes.This might lead in the non-satisfaction of job and turnover of teachers resulting in the declined rate of retention.This often holds instructors back from exploring new paths to improve the skills of their teaching that might assist their students to get high success rates.

However, there is a large number of students enrolled in the courses of mathematics at college-level are not well equipped. Some measures are needed to be taken to develop the capabilities of students in order to continue their education in a smooth manner to graduate. Some of these efforts should include the instructional strategies comprising of adaptations and alternate programs for students who are unable to understand the concept in first attempt. Though, this provides us with an accurate manner for re-teaching of lessons using a distinct approach instead of repetition of same lesson again and again. Alternate strategies of lesson also provides a chance to check if students have built the ability to generalize the material of lessons through articulation of lesson in a different manner and application of skills in different context.

One of the important objective is success in the courses of developmental mathematics. It specifically deals with increase in STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It therefore, supports for requirement of members of faculty in order to create lessons of high quality and to teach in different innovative manner to assist the students in order to understand things better. Despite of the challenges of poor strategies of teaching, it has been revealed by teachers that the developmental involvements approved by the stake holders of the organization. In order to raise the intercession efficiency, it is important to identify the techniques that are most effectual to the developmental achievement of students and perseverance.

Theoretical Framework:

In this study, the analysis accounts for the students of community college both in and out of college during their participation in the course track of developmental education. (Atkinson, 2016) As teaching and learning both run in hands and the effective teaching has the possibility to assist both students and teachers in learning different things with respect to their roles. There is a wide gap in the performance between the material taught by the teachers and the understanding of what teacher teaches to students.(Sonya Hidalgo, 2018)This study implies dual theoretical framework of transformative learning and the mathematical theories to solve problems to assist in exploring effective strategies of teaching in the education of developmental mathematics.

The transformative theory applied for the evaluation of curriculum, as the theory of transformative learning is among the popular theories in the education of adults. (Choy, 2009)The theory of Transformational Learning is defined as constructivist. It is an orientation holding the way for interpretation and reinterpretation of learners’experiences. It is a central key to make significant meaning as well as learning. Mezirow also stated that students who are adult have a meaning perspective or reference frame. (Mezirow, 1991)According to a study conducted by Taylor in 2007 on the transformational theory led in identification of five different elements of learning designs based on work in order to foster the transformational learning. Though it has been suggested by Taylor that in the development of learning design, attention should be paid towards the factors limiting the transformational leaning. There is a need to place great emphasis on reflective practices rather than completion of task.(Choy, 2009)

The focus of transformative learning is mainly towards adult learning specifically in the post-secondary education context. Therefore, it mainly focuses on the cognitive process in the development of an individual. Hence, this kind of learning theory falls in category of an adult learning theory depending on the life experiences of an adult. The transformative theory explains that transformative learning involves constant questioning of teaching methods leading to acquire alternate methods for improved teaching. According to the theory, the significant development of faculty of higher education extended the focus beyond knowledge transmission related to a specific concept of education or strategy of teaching.Fostering of teaching self-reflection points towards better understanding of learning and teaching. However, this brings changes in the teaching practices. The transformation theory play a key part as it permits educators and students to significantly develop strong relations. Though, a difference in the life of a student is made by an educator influencing the life of an educator as well. This is critical in the development of effective strategies of teaching with the purpose to teach the students enrolled in the courses of developmental education by placement of students’ interest at hand……….


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