In the April of 2014, the co-establisher of the lifestyle brand dpms. , located in London, Ontario, has a predicament. Commenced as an opportunity to showcase her associate's graphic designs, dpms. , firstly developed silk screened t-shirts, subsequently branched into other locally made products and jewelry as the business triumphed. They maintain a booth at a weekly farmers' and artisans' market and travel to other festivals around the province but rely largely on their social media existence to promote their wares and word of mouth promotion. When the post was printed, an article that was to appear in a local newspaper contained several inaccuracies; however her partner was excited about it before the printing. She's deciding how she should manage the situation and how the options to confront or not confront the reporter will represent on her fledgling company.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING