Down Syndrome Association of DE Case Solution
Objective 1
Board of director composition
Down Syndrome Association has the Board of directors in place, the positions of which are filled with volunteers. These volunteers are the ones whohave children with the same Down syndrome. The BOD consists of a President, Vice President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. Apart fromthese, other members include Regional Representative, self-advocate members, and several other at-large board members.
Primary responsibilities
The primary responsibilities of the BOD include
- Setting up and formulating the organization’s policies
- Hiring of the key staff required for the operating activities
- Discussion and decision making on the important organization matters
Issues with the BOD
There were few issues that have been identified in the case, which are explained below:
- The change in the focus and attitude of the board members are regular features which significantlyaffect the organization. As a result, this deviates the organization from its targets and goals.
- There are many at-large board members who are unnecessary.
- Fluctuation in the board composition.
- Lack of established communication channel
- No defined roles and responsibilities
Critical evaluation
Firstly, it is a fact that the success of any organization depends on the effectiveness of its leaders and probably BOD. These top managements must have required skills and experience to establish policies and to define the strategy for the accomplishment of the organization’s goal. DSA has BOD which works voluntarily, as they often deviate with an entrepreneurial mind by diverting their focus. However, there is lack of integrity and coordination, which has affected the BOD from achieving the organization’s goals. This negatively affects the operating efficiency of the organization and might result in a low pace of development and no progression.
Another aspect is that the BOD is over numbered with many at-large board members that have no defined and particular objective or work description. The presence of at-large board members is favorable for the organization, as it gives flexibility to the BOD’ structure, however excessive flexibility is not desirable. Moreover, bigger BODs might not provide the opportunity to work for the organization’s productivity which would thenresult in loss of interest and attitude change among these members. Therefore, it could be said that thismight be the reason for the lackof focus. Those members that are not assigned to the important tasks feel that their work is dull and meaningless, which might make them focus on other things. As a result, thisalso deviates the focus of the other members as well.
The fluctuation in the board composition is also another serious matter which also adds to the loss of focus from the core organization objectives. Every individual might have his/herown approach of doing the things. Moreover, there are no formal rules and established procedures which will give autonomy to the members to execute their task in any way as far as they are aligned with the organization goals. It can be analyzed in away that the BOD with its current composition is planning a specific task, at the final stage of planning assumingthe composition change, then this would result in disturbance in the planning. The new member will be unaware of the key facts and the overall focus from the underlying strategic planning, whichwould bedelayed or would gointo files for some time. Thus, the opportunity is lost that might had resulted in value addition to the organization.
The organization has no formal defined rules and system of procedures. Moreover, there is no effective communication system in place,thus this creates significant inefficiencies at the administrative level as well as the senior management level........
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