Bad sports used to mean not recognizing basketball or tennis foul saying the ball was when it really hit the line. Recent examples of bad sports activities included was much more serious, including attacks on officials, the clashes between the parents or coaches and officials, and even death - in all youth sports events. In 1988, Jim Thompson founded the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), a national nonprofit organization based at Stanford University Department of Athletics, to help overcome the negative trends in youth sports. SFOR mission to "transform youth sports so sports can transform youth." Since its inception, the organization has conducted more than 1,700 workshops for 68,000 coaches, parents and leaders who helped create the conditions for a more sporty 680,000 young athletes. PCA was developed partner network with more than 300 youth sports organizations, cities and schools. ATP and Thompson developed a new model of coaching - is called a dual purpose trainer -. "Winner" is built around several principles, such as the revision exercise was part of Thompson's faith in the concept of "sticky messages" - phrases and memory resources that adhere to people's minds long enough to change their behavior. They wondered how to solve the biggest problem - how to update older and passive term "sports" - which now means the players simply did not do anything wrong. ATP and Thompson believes that youth sport needs new, relevant, and powerful vocabulary that goes beyond the "sport." "Hide
by Chip Heath, Victoria Chang Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 7 pages. Publication Date: April 25, 2005. Prod. #: SM140A-PDF-ENG