DOG PARK Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

DOG PARK Case Study Solution


Over the last few decades, the demand for recreational or community dogs parks have increased.Due to the affinity with adopting Dog as a pet.And in addition, the awareness of keeping dog healthy and socially justified has been raised, which has given rise to the need of dog parks.Where dog can socialize and enjoy, which make them healthy and adaptive to learning and dealing with external environment.

Also since, many people have developed different neighborhoods and communities, the need for appreciate dog equipment’s and activity area are in demand. And since, the phenomenon of off-leash Dog Park is new, and is still in the phase of trial and error in developing the areas activities and equipment’s, to offer the dog an adequate environment.While keeping it environmentally and socially balanced, with nearby neighborhood need to be researched and studied.

Moreover, through researches it has been found that dog activities are healthy, if trained and exposed to natural environment, without been controlled through leash. Thus, giving rise to a platform to form such locations,where the dogs can be exposed to natural environmental and learn in an adaptive environment.(COUNTRY, 2008)

Parameters for deciding the optimal Location

In establishing the Dog park, the optimal location for building an unleash dog park will include:

  • The size of the dog park required, to accommodate the nearby neighborhood dogs, along with other additional dogs from far areas.
  • The distribution of resources, like the division of dog raves based on the size of dogs.
  • The availability of ample car parking, in order to accommodate the parking’s of the visitors without disturbing the residents and not making the areas overly crowed.
  • The management of waste and the noise produced, by dogs that may disturb the nearby residents rest hours of the day.
  • The accommodation of number of dogs at one time, to reduce any kind of conflict and to maintain the health and activity of each dog.
  • Also,maintaining the security off each dog types, for which the development of advance infrastructure is required guarded by fences.
  • Lastly, the topography and site of the park, to en sure the safety of the dog and the environment both. The parks are to be designed in such areas, where the land is balanced, so to avoid the friction while playing.

Off-leash Dog park Research

Demand for a Dog Park

Over the period of time, the awareness regarding the health, safety and social requirement of dogs has been raised, which has given the awareness to the dog owners for establishing such activities.That could offers mean of happiness, to the dogs and fulfill the demand of the time.

Also, in the recent times, many neighborhood parks has been developed, yet it lacks the overall need and equipment’s, to offer a dog fully facilitated unleash parks.Since, the phenomenon is new there’s no certain guideline, to design an unleash park that is fully integrated with the current demand. Analyzing these core issues pertinent in the area, there is a need for non-profit dog park, funded by the governed authorities.To offer the dogs a balanced lifestyle, along with the maintenance of the ecosystem.

Key Issues

Social: In order to develop a well-designed and disciplined un-leash Dog Park, the first step is to restrict the owners to use the cell phones, while there dogs are in the park.To focus all the concentration on the activities of the dogs, and to understand and observe the activities that makes the dogs happy. Since, every dog has a different personality, it is very important for dog owners, to focus the concentration in the park on the dogs.To unleash and understand the traits of their dogs.

Also, the park should have Park benches and no relaxing chairs, to keep the owners at the toes. Moreover, theses parks should restrict the food items of the dogs, as well as the owner, as it creates conflicts among dogs.It might create a server chaotic situation in the park. Above all, the band of the dog should be kept, so to control any conflict situation immediately.

DOG PARK Harvard Case Solution & Analysis



Number of Dogs in Urban Area: The number of dogs in every neighborhood are increasing day by day, mainly due to huge cultural diversification and increasing number of footfall,mainly due to immigration rate. And since, the number of dogs are increasing, the social awareness to maintain and develop athlete style of dogs is also increasing.Creating a demand for such facilities that, could offer the services through one channel.

Issues with Urban Dogs: There are particularly many issues with the urban dogs. These issues include, the poop training of puppies, the uncertain behavior of the dog, types of its bark, and the use of leash. Many times the owner fails to use the leash in an effective manner that provokes the dog and brings it to dis-obedience, causing problem for owner and the neighborhood.(Swerdlin, 2012)

Drainage: The proper drainage system and waste management system needs to be incorporated, in the parks to avoid the smell and germs produced due to waste discharge. Moreover, a proper water management is also an issues, which needs to be in place, to provide dog proper drinking facility.........................

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