Digital Transformation Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Digital Transformation Case Solution


Public is Group has been one of the pioneers in the advertising and communication channel, as it has have identified how to stay competitive by suspecting in the ecological changes and inclinations and by attempting to change each risk into an opportunity.Its main goal is to remain "a world pioneer in reasonable worth creation as well as creative thoughts and relations."

Drastic changes in innovation and economy took place in the last, as a result constrained the group in rebuilding their business model. The essential objective was to update their digital skills to give coordinated managements and measures by utilizing both new advances and traditional media successfully as well as to expand their operations.

Development was overseen by securing outside small organizations throughout the world keeping in mind the end goal to make a worldwide system. On the other hand, they utilized Digit as as a part of a plan as the vehicle for the change and development method into the digital domain.

In December 2006, the organization gained Boston-based Digit as, its main digital office headed by David Kenny. After the underlying merger, which incorporated the un bundling of Digit as abilities and the worldwide extension of its office system, Public is Group launched VivaKi, which was another expansive computerized phase in order to initiate the association's aggregate change.

However, since the launch in June 2008, the global economy became unpleasant. Therefore, the objective of the case is to identify that Levy, Kenny, and different developers can change the plan quickly and what would be the alternatives and best possible recommendations for the success of the new model.

Problem Statement:

The challenge for Public is and its rivals was to make the shift to support them regarding the lost revenue from conventional media, which was ragged in digital spending. During spring of 2009, WPP and Omni com, the world's two biggest promoting groups performed poorly, as well as their decreased to 6%.

Public is, positioned fourth in the business, appeared to be resisting the pattern. Its outcomes for the same quarter showed some what small negative development at - 4.4%, and J.P. Morgan’s value report for the same quarter indicated Public is as the number one player for the new industry.

Along with these financial challenges, the company faced other challenges such as managing the corporate culture of the new integrated firm, which was most difficult and may result in failure of the company and for this, the company had required the cooperation of units and spirit of the management.

The leadership character had now changed, as Vivaki venture ought to assume this role in future. Therefore, the major issue would be in the leader in the market by maintaining the status of effective performance in digital world.

Case Analysis:

Considering the value/time proportion, two distinct options are suggested that will help Public is Group to make itself competitive in the digital market.

Alternative 1: To merge and integrate with all marketing and communication businesses:


This system comprises on contributing time and effort after converging with the recently gained organizations keeping in mind the end goal to beat the period time where numerous organizations would quit contributing on advertisements. Under this perspective, the company would be able to amplify its benefit and ROI by stimulating its advertising divisions and getting more benefit out of their contributed cash. It is through out the world that digital advertising cannot take a shot at its own. It should be incorporated with the other advertising companies so as to give one effective and reliable message of enhancing the digital marketing department...............

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