Pothi.com was launched publishing platform that offer print on demand (POD) self-publishing services for customers in the Indian market. In 2008, Pothi was launched in digital transformation that swept the global publishing industry. Although Pothi made steady progress in the two years he worked as a POD platform, the future is uncertain, given that the POD was a fairly new concept in India and that the country's publishing market was highly volatile. As a result of competition from the "secret" self-publishing in the Indian market, the management of Pothi had to make key decisions to improve the creation, promotion and distribution of products of its customers, and the choice to engage in niche segments. Products / services that Pothi have to offer in order to achieve long-term stability were also a concern. "Hide
by Joseph Rojers, Shishir Jha Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 16 pages. Publication Date: June 27, 2012. Prod. #: W12429-PDF-ENG