Difference of strategies between Facebook and Tencent Case Solution
3.2. Why you choose specific period
We have chosen a specific period for the complete analysis of the two companies as because it’s a best way to know the image of both the companies at the same period of time. By taking public opinion at a time is also a best way for knowing the financial as well as non-financial health of the company.
3.3.Your comparison is fully comparative
Many people are wondering if there are any similarities between Facebook and Tencent, the dominant online search engine. The first thing to notice about Facebook and Tencent is the huge number of users that are being generated on a daily basis. This is a huge difference to what happens on Google, Yahoo or Bing. If you look at Google Trends, it shows only a small number of searches related to the search term "Tencent." Even though it's a popular search engine in its own right, many people just don't use it that much. The sheer number of searches performed every day is very different than what a search engine like Yahoo or Bing can offer.
The second big difference is that it's free to create accounts and sign up. Some of the big search engines charge for registration, and there is usually a limit on how many people can be signed up for. Facebook lets you login as many times as you want without any cost. This can be good for building your own audience.
Another similarity between Facebook and Tencent is the amount of advertisements and marketing techniques that they are able to employ. These include Pay per Click ads, banner ads, and sponsored reviews. A lot of websites have already started taking advantage of these techniques to attract more people. The problem with this is that some of the ads that show up on Facebook are spam. That can lead to an increased number of clicks to a website, but the visitors of the site may not necessarily purchase anything.
The third similarity between Facebook and Tencent is the level of interaction between members. Unlike what most people believe, Facebook is not about just hanging out in your friends' pages and chatting. There is a lot more to it. You can chat with other members and even find groups of people to connect with. You can get a lot of information about the people in your group, and there are actually forums where you can ask questions and get answers.While a lot of people think that social media websites have become useless, a lot of experts consider them to be a great tool for keeping in touch with friends and family. Many of the people that have joined social networking websites are actually creating a separate account for every member of their family. This allows for a constant flow of communication that goes beyond the standard messages that are sent and received by e-mail. The other members may respond in kind.
The fourth similarity between Facebook and Tencent is the way that the websites promote themselves. They put a lot of effort into having interesting ads and banners on their main page. If you are looking for a product or service that has to do with the products of Facebook or Tencent, you will be able to find it on the website. They may even have a landing page that contains information about that product that you can visit to see if it's available in your location.These are just a few of the similarities that you should look for if you want to determine if you can make money using these websites. There are many more, but these are the main ones that most people tend to focus on.
3.4. Your choice is not biased
Both the platforms that I have taken in my report are very famous and user friendly due to this I have taken it to my report. My choice is not biased as I have completed long research on these companies and analyze that both are very famous companies in the market. Both are using different strategies but the main goal of both the companies is same and both wanted to facilitate the youngsters.Facebook and Tencent both are doing great jobs on their own platforms, the basic difference of strategies of both companies are based on mindsets of the companies according to the countries where they belong to, and the roots from where it has started like Ten cent is Chinese based company and Facebook is U.S based company. It is a minor difference according to some people but it has a huge impact on both the countries in terms of reputation, in terms of work and in terms of ideas and strategies. Also in general every person is different from one another so their working style is different from one another.
Chapter 4. Analysis and Results
4.1. How to analyze
Public opinion about Facebook (Instagram, Whats-app and Facebook)
It seems that more people are now using their mobile device, such as their smartphone, to access these online networks. It's easy to understand why - with the internet being more readily available in the home, people are having a much greater chance of interacting with other people online through the use of their phone.It seems that smaller online businesses are starting to take a look at the possibilities of the two networks, and are considering the benefits of using them to their benefit. Some big businesses have already begun to do this, and it's very possible that they could make this trend an even bigger one in the future.Facebook and Instagram are the future of social networking, it depends on what you ask, but it's fair to say that we will likely see this new network grow, both as a larger one and as one that have many smaller, independent users.But it's fair to say that Facebook is far and away the leader when it comes to social networking, so the chances of it disappearing completely, and only being used by those large companies who own the largest sites in the world, is highly unlikely. Of course, some small companies may still use them, but only a few at most......................
Difference of strategies between Facebook and Tencent Case Solution
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