Design thinking, while much less understood than scientific thinking, has the characteristics of great importance for the team to solve complex, ill-formed problems. There are two types of design thinkers, the author says: seekers and producers. Finders exercise their creativity through the opening and are driven to find the explanation of the phenomenon is not well understood. In professional life, they tend to become scientists or scholars and are responsible for much of our progress in the understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. Producers are equally creative, but they show their creativity through invention. Manufacturers are synthesize what they know in new construction, mechanisms, patterns, designs and concepts that bring tangible, fresh expression of what can be. The author describes the characteristics of ten design thinking and shows how, together, the characteristics of the design thinking and science form a set of additional thought processes that add significant strength of the organization.
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by Charles Owen Source: Rotman School of Management, 5 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 2008. Prod. #: ROT060-PDF-ENG