The Judgment, documentation, analysis and the infrequent reporting in the observation of clinical procedures is a methodical and logical approach on the ground of dental research that has been encountered to us in routine practices of the clinical aspects. The in-progress issues in the field of Dental studies or Dentistry mainly focused on the wishes of the patients for fruitful consequences and the role of the Dentists that could be possible in the form of queries educate after the process and then ultimately a qualitative method of study is required to answer those questions. The main concerns of the qualitative research is the assessment of the outlooks that must be subjective, the suggestions and the roles, etc. In this research, a potential overview of the qualitative study design, its background, research questions, data collection method and the analysis method has discussed. A brief understanding about the implications of this research in the field of dental studies and a framework to conduct this research is also presented.
Keywords: Methodology, Research, Phenomenology, Biography, Case Study, Grounded theory,Ethnography, etc.
Literature Review
In different phases of life, to seek the understanding in diverse developmental and progressive aspects, could be achieved via poking variable patterns of knowledge and trends of research. The research is always a scientific yet systemic relevant exploration of the informations of particular topics. The current research is about the qualitative proposal of the dental studies more specific to the dental health and hygiene. This is the most commonly used method to discover and explore the potential of researchers in the field of Dental and Public Health. (CR, 1990). The evolving &fascinating difficulties & the doubts with the improving tactics in dentistry must need a wide range of improved methodologies such as qualitative methods to address the originating research questions and their appropriated solutions. This research method can widen the evidence based DPH (Dental Public Health) & practices, as it permits the researchersto answer the questions appropriately with respect to their own designed scales.
The in-progress issues in the field of Dental studies or Dentistry mainly focused on the wishes of the patients for fruitful consequences and the role of the Dentists that could be possible in the form of queries educate after the process and then ultimately a qualitative method of study is required to answer those questions.(LM, 2003)
The researchers themselves are the analysis tools in this kind of research because this research delivers the detailed and vivid depth about the topic such as Dental hygiene and health, which is not possible to achieve via other methods of analysis such as quantitative research. The interaction and links between health and Public could better studied under this platform. This research will provide a potential estimation and evaluation of the Qualitative research design, which will further identify the common approaches to sort the Dental Hygiene Issues, by the implication of research in Dentistry and framework for the Public Health Dentistry................
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