Decorative Interiors Inc. Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

This is a portion of the subset of Ivey cases and technical notes composed for Introductory-Level courses. The owners of Decorative Interiors Inc. (DI) must decide the future of their business. DI had been the sole source of income of their family for the past 18 years. Although the owners would like to raise sales and profitability, they may be unsure how to proceed after one of the owners suffered a heart attack and the doctor advised him to alter his lifestyle.

The case provides the opportunity to discuss the following: the strategic management tension model ("can, desire, need" investigation); the assessment of business key success factors; the assessment of strategic alternatives; and firm valuation. This is part of a set of cases Ivey and technical notes written for the introductory-level courses. "Hide

by Elizabeth M. Grasby, Joe Figliomeni Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 9 pages. Publication Date: January 18, 2008. Prod. #: 907M77-PDF-ENG

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