In many companies, there has been a noticeable drop in effect, the growth and the value of corporate marketing. Today, marketing is often less than the corporate functions, and more diaspora skills and the ability to spread throughout the organization. States that in itself, the collapse of the marketing center is not a cause for concern, but the slower core competencies of marketing, of course. Examines a series of in-depth interviews with top marketing executives and managers to clarify the reasons for the decline. The study identified eight different factors that contribute to the waning influence of marketing - among them worry "short" a significant shift in channel power, and failure of marketing to document their contribution to business results. The consequences of not once, but they are far-reaching: the lack of basic competencies of marketing, corporate brand will suffer, innovative product will decline, and the prices will be less reliable. However, the fact that marketing does continue to influence corporate strategy at some companies have capabilities and offers a viable approach for building marketing expertise as a source of competitive advantage. Offers four key issues facing marketing management, paying special attention not to restore the corporate functions of marketing, but the restoration of marketing competencies within the organization. "Hide
by Frederick E. Webster Jr., Alan J. Malter, Shankar Ganesan Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 11 pages. Publication Date: July 1, 2005. Prod. #: SMR176-PDF-ENG