DBS bank Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

DBS bank Case Study Solution

  1. Analyze the competitive position of DBS prior to its digital transformation. What are the motivations behind the digital transformation of DBS? Answer this is the context of Porter’s five forces and Treacy & Wiersma’s value disciplines (week 8 lectures).

The BBS bank was a one of largest bank of the Asia pacific with high credit rating of AA-, an Aa1. It has been operating in the Southeast Asia, south Asia, and China as well. Similarly, it has 280 branches in 80n countries worldwide. However, increasing market complexities has emphasized on the effective customer relationship. Meanwhile, the BDS was one of largest bank after the Citi group, HSBC. Indeed, it was considered third-largest trade finance bank, and largest bank the assets in the Asia.

Similarly, it can be determined that DBS bank has been working in a competitive environment where the HSBC and Citi group has been operating. So, the bank was well perceived by customers has good recognition in the market. Therefore, it can be determined that bank has good competitive position in the market due its customer services, and its reputation as well.  However, increasing competition in the market has emphasized over the use of technology in the banking services to provide customer with the numerous services at a time, and attain competitive advantages since, the customers in the Asia was also adopting the technology changes that needed to adopted by the banks. Consequently, the huge competition in the market, and customers demand of technology, and to get the competitive advantage in the market was the priority of the bank toy achieve the competitive advantage in the market over competitor banks in the Asia. Indeed, that was possible through the use of technology. Meanwhile, with these motivations company went to transformation of the bank to the new era of technology.

Using Christensen’s classification of change, is DBS pursuing sustaining or disruptive innovation?

The DBS bank was the largest bank in the Singapore, and the largest bank by assets in the Asia. Meanwhile, it was also considered third largest bank in trade finance by the market share. So, the need of technology was already there but the no integrated plan was yet constructed to transform the bank into one integrated system that could have competitive advantage in the market. On the other hand, the bank’s CEO Piyush Gupta has good market understanding, and made his analysis that in 2009 there were declining growth in the US, and Europe and other parts of the world. However, he was a significant growth in the Asia.

So, it was big opportunity for the bank to avail it in the market. Indeed, in pursuance of the competitive advantage, and being disruptive in the market Bank directed the five pillars for the bank Asian services, Asian connectivity, Asian Relationships, Asian Insights and Asian innovation in the Asian market. Meanwhile, the approach of the company disruptive in the market towards to the customers in the market. Indeed, these pillars were developed in order to leverage the technology in the bank. Because, the largest population of the Asia was young, so the technology was the drive force for the customer to prefer the DBS bank instead of another. Consequently, the bank has been transforming the from the old era of technology to the digital age of technology where bank could give best experience of banking services alone in Asia, and could build strong relationships with the customers, and companies with its numerous services.

What are the key thrusts of DBS’ digital transformation strategy? What technology investments is DBS making? What radical organizational changes is DBS instituting?


DBS bank Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The DBS bank’s presence in Asia continent was low as compared to the competitors in the market. On the other hand, there were many opportunities observed by the CEO like increasing technology oriented banking services that customer demand in the market. Meanwhile, growing number of banking customer in the market was also thrust for the bank to go ahead in the market and have competitive advantage in the market over the competitors. On another hand, increasing need competition in the market has emphasized over the use of technology in the banking services to attract the new customers, and satisfy the existing customers. Meanwhile, it is important know that bank was investing in the technology to make the bank one of technology oriented bank in Asia. Meanwhile, its investment in the infrastructure of the bank reorganization of the departments and the operations. Similarly, the bank merged the operations and technology with each other to make it more efficient for the bank to perform in the market. Furthermore, the core area of the unified communication infrastructure, video-telepresence conferencing the systems, and the enterprise portals. Meanwhile, there investments would make the bank one of technology oriented in the Asia among the other banks. Meanwhile, the one of most important change that DBS bank made it was the reorganization of the technology division and operations division, and merged them into one to make it more efficient. Indeed, these changes to the banks infrastructure were critical in the digital transformation to leverage the investment in the technology, and it was also efficient way to use the technology as well……………

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