Cyber-espionage Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Cyber-espionage Case Solution

Question 1

The Cyber espionage groups are trying to gain an access into the United States’ computer systems, in order to have an access to the country’s valuable and secret information regarding its military secrets, trade secrets, business plans, designs related to machinery and software and other information regarding the intellectual property rights. Moreover, the cyber espionage groups are trying to remove their data from the systems, for their economic benefit.

Question 2

The onslaught intrusions in the American computer systems have originated from China, but it cannot be claimed that the attacks were coming from China. It is because of the fact that the attacks might have been done from elsewhere, using the Chinese computers. It has been found that the ISPs and URLs were located in China, but the attacks were done from another location, with main suspicion over the European espionage groups. So, it cannot be concluded that whether or not the attacks were coming from China.

Question 3

The main motivation behind the Cyber espionage by China is to remain competitive in the technology, in order to attain its economic benefit. In the video, Siegel claimed that the Chinese economy does not prefer to be dependent on the United States or the West, for technologies. In order to maintain its economy’s growth; China started the cyber espionage in order to get secrets about the West’s technology.

Question 4

The Nortel Management did not take the Chinese threat seriously, because of the fear of losing its public reputation and having declined sales revenues. Just like other companies that had gotten their cyber security breached; the Nortel management wanted to keep it a secret, as the news of cyber security breach could damage the company’s reputation and the customer’s trust over the company.

Question 5

Yes, it is true that the computer systems used by the American corporate and military are sophisticated. It is because of the fact that the cyber security breaches occur on daily and even on 24/7 basis and these attacks are persistent. The cyber securities attackers use different approaches in penetrating the systems and exploiting or destroying the information available in the systems.

Question 6

I disagree, because technology can’t be transferred so easily. When a new technology is invented; the companies get the technologies’ patents registered. The patent refers to the intellectual property of the owner and the companies can have a competitive advantage over others because  the property rights cannot be breached by others to develop the same or differentiated version of the same technology. It is not possible to stop the technology transfer because the technology gets transferred through mergers, technical meetings and information dissemination through cyber security breaches....................

Cyber-espionage Case Solution

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