A leading abrasives manufacturing company, Carborundum Universal Murugappa International (CUMI) was based in India with global operations in Russia, South Africa and China.
For the sector, China held 50 per cent of the raw materials in the global abrasives business. China was also the biggest marketplace for abrasives world-wide and was expected to lead to one third of the global demand for abrasives. CUMI had the vision to be a global leader in the abrasives industry within a decade.
In 2006, the company entered China through a joint venture with a Chinese state company but subsequently bought out the partner. But, the company was facing several issues with its stand-alone operation there, notably in terms of hiring local managers and keeping its work force. The complexity of the Chinese market had proven to be a challenge; although it was clear that successful market share in China was required. The managing director needed to present a strategy for working in China to the board.
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