There are different types of investors in the world. Some of the investors are risk takers and they are most likely to invest in stocks that are risky but also yield higher returns. Some of the investors want to invest in stocks that have the lowest volatility and lowest risk. These are called as the risk averse investors. The third category of investors is that they invest in neutral stocks that have neutral returns and a moderate level of risk. Apart from the desired risk levels, everybody in this world wants a secure investment. Warren Buffet is one of the names in portfolio investment who had formulated different principles for investment in stocks. His policy was the policy of buy and hold. Today many people want to invest their savings in the stocks to live a long term comfortable life. There are also many such people who have never invested in stocks and are yet interested in stocks. Therefore, in order to help these people to invest in the stocks that match their profile, a mobile application should be developed to help these people to invest in profitable and secure stocks.
An investment application for investment in all kinds of stocks will be created by the name of ‘MYFOLIO’. This application will be basically made with regard to the target population of those investors that are beginners and have never interested in stocks and yet are still interested to invest in particular stocks to make their living more comfortable and secure. Anyone who is interested to give a chance to invest in their favorite stocks can use this application to find out the stocks that best meet their individual profiles. One of the most legendry investor in the area of portfolio management is Warren Buffet. He encourages the people to invest in only those stocks about which the people have complete information. For this purpose, he had always emphasized on analyzing the performance of the companies and not to depend the investment decisions on what the company has achieved in past. Therefore, this would be the specialty of this mobile application that users can get any kind of information related to any particular stock. One important thing to state here is that, although this mobile application does not guarantee to provide the investor with the highest returns but it will give the potential investors a proper guideline of how to pick good stocks and how to identify the bad stocks. Individual investors can make their own investments with this online application.
Any user who is interested to learn about the investment guidelines can download this application for free from the Google Play store. He can install the application on his mobile phone and simply he can make his investment in stocks with just few options. When any user will start this application, this application would provide the user with the first option of creating a profile. The user would create his/her profile on the application by simply making a new username, setting up a password and entering the email address. As soon as the user makes his profile, he will then have to undergo a short session of question answers. The questions here would be related to the normal likes and dislikes of the individual. These questions would focus on the hobbies, the daily activities and the general likes of the individual. After these questions have been answered, the potential investor would be provided with few other set of questions. These questions would help to identify the acceptable level of risk of the investor. These questions would include such as: Do you consider yourself as a high, low or moderately average risk taker, what sectors are you interested to invest your money into, how much money are you willing to risk and how much diversified you want your portfolio to be. These questions will identify that whether the potential investor is a high risk taker, low risk taker or moderately average risk taker. Finally the investor will have to press a button with the name, “HELPMEINVEST”. This will provide the potential investor with the complete set of results of the pre survey which the individual had answered to......................
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