Courtly Love Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Courtly Love Case Study Solution


The term courtly lover refers to the French literature defining love.It is basically the concept of love and devotion that emphasize on nobility and Chivalry. Since medieval literature is filled with adventures related to knights and their bravery accounted to protect and serve their lady, the name courtly love has been given to the particular emotion under French culture.

Though the roots of Courtly love defines its purpose of establishment for entertainment, but as the time passed, the basic and foundation of love defined  the courtly love by the French poets became the part of the French culture.In happening so, the concept of “loving noble” and “game of love” became an intriguing part of the French culture, which attracted a large audience and especially there sidents of the castles –the Noble ladies and the knights.

Also, Courtly love or romance has been defined as the act of romance that has been practiced by the courties people the middle ages with strict rules and code of chivalry. Since at the middle age, there was a strict class system, the art produced on courtly love has been only from the court members and the noble women. Such art allowed the men and women throughout the Europe to show their admiration and love to some person irrespective of their marital status.It can be analyzed that in the middle ages, the courtly love has been a source of showing love that cannot be bided under the marriage contract, since at that time, marriages were for the legal and fortune purpose, Many historians supported that marriage is not the important factor for being loved by someone, and that the courtly love has not be to binded under the marriage agreement.

Though it is hard to define the exact time period that raised the concept of courtly love, the courtly love began in Aquitaine, province, champagne and in the Ducal and princely courts at the end of 11 h century.The reason many poets’termed the relation as courtly love is because it lied between erotic desire and spiritual attainment. Many poets in the past also defined the particular love as the devotion to the “god of love”. Other poets defined courtly love as a mixture of passionate disciplined, human transcendent, humiliating exalting and illicit and morally elevating love. Most of the poets defied the courtly love as a reduced form of platonic love that is not based on desires but on the spiritual base for the noble lady.

The term courtly love was first termed by the Gast on Paris, since than interpretations have been established to explain the context of the courtly love.According to one interpretation, courtly love is the love between the man (knight) and the noble lady which is strong and rich and handles castle affairs while the king is on crusades.Such LOVE IS not expressed in words but the lover (knight) guards the respects and image of the lady lover by not disclosing her name to public and safe guards her rights and will in order to impress her and get noticed by her.

The French poetry is rich with Courtly love, Paris defied courtly love as idolization and Ennobling discipline.In his view, the lovers ( Knight) accepts the high position and independence of the noble court women and tries to make himself worthy enough to be recognized by her.He further described courtly love as an act of fulfilling the Noble women wishes which she confines or perceives about spending life. He further added, that courtly love is basically a form of passing many or deals or tests in order to stand high in the rank in the sigh of the noble women. (Huizinga, 2009)


Courtly Love Harvard Case Solution & Analysis



According to Paris, the sexual attachment is not a part of Courtly love and rather it is more platonic in nature, which in later year has been argued by the other poets.In the Book “ The allegory of love”, Lewis defined the courtly love as a form of true love not binded by the contractual marriages, since at the medieval period, marriages were supposedly a trade between two families, he defined the courtly love as a form of inspirational and spiritual love that might or might not end up in sexual attachment. Though the idea of courtly love is not very well supported by the all historian at them edieval time, according to John C Moore there is no little evidence on the courtly love in French history.Instead he mentioned the concept of “ Fine love is present in the French history, however by analyzing both the concepts of both love,it has been determined that the courtly love and fine love are somehow same. (Stickland, 2005)...............

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