Coursera Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Coursera Case Solution

To succinctly analyze the case (a) using relevant concepts and
frameworks (b) Use appropriate frameworks to explore and critically
analyze the case (c) Explore efficacy of these frameworks and raise
critical issues in the case.

 Furthermore, the public two year colleges were likely to enroll the higher percentage of students and represented 38% of enrollments in 2011 whereas,the public and private non-profit four year institutions together represented 62% of the full time student enrollment.

The intensifying costs of higher education had raised the concerned regarding the value of undergraduate degree. From the past years, many efforts had been put for the education reform encouraged by the need for improvements in the effectiveness of instruction and other socioeconomics. However, the online education was steadily rising in order to progress the development in the higher education sector. Online education had begun in 1970s and 1980s, which was followed by the development of ARPAnet and US Department of Defense.

Coursera was established in April 2012 by two professors of Stanford University.Coursera had raised $65 million in funding up to July 2013. Moreover, Coursera had become a successful online education provider.Coursera’s main competitors were two main competitors, Udacity and edX.

Problem and Issues:

The competition in the industry has become intense and the expectations of Coursera’s partners have increased due to which many MOOCs such as Coursera were looking to find such ways which could help it to become more profitable. The management of the company, therefore, had to decide what courses of actions should be taken in order to push the business forward. The company had to decide whether it should continue experimenting with multiple revenue models or focus on something else. In addition, the management also needed to decide whether they should focus charging for delivery of courses for premium services, developing new strategies not up till now considered, or focus on accessing students’data.The questions arose such as which option was likely to be successful and how the competitors and established firms would respond.

Two aspects of these developments in the
industry and the choices did Coursera make that enabled it to grow
so quickly

The management of Coursera emphasized on the significance of access and improved education and considered this objective as its core operation. Coursera provided access to the quality education through singing up for free.In addition to this, Coursera believed to make an environment which could help the people to interact and connect with each other in order to have a great education and to make possible for everyone around the world to have access to the quality education without any limit.

Coursera’s core success factor was its product which used technology platform which enabled it to convey instructional content to students and also offered additional premium services. Coursera had made a platform, which distributed the courses to students easily.

 The technology infrastructure included all the technologies that allowed the company to deliver the courses through websites. Coursera had developed innovative technologies to solve these problems. Moreover, Coursera also sought to develop mobile application in order to better serve the students’ needs who had no access to computers and internet.

Coursera had delivered almost 415 above courses through its platform ranging from mathematics, social sciences, computer sciences, business and many more. Furthermore, Coursera also launched development courses for teachers in order to help the teachers to improve their techniques………………

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