In the very first month of year 2005, the Chinese Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) declared that it would take part in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Then, COSCO initiated sustainability reporting practices in accordance with the UNGC, and over the next six years these efforts evolved into an information technology platform incorporating all the business's sustainability procedures and indexes.
In fall 2011, the following strategic questions: To what extent should COSCO refer to international and domestic sustainability standards in the platform framework were contemplated by the organization 's leaders? How far should COSCO go in boosting the sustainability system as a standalone product? What were the next steps in sustainability reporting, and should COSCO attempt to attain higher reporting standards later on? Moreover, associated dilemmas facing the company included: What would be the value in reaching higher sustainability and reporting standards, and would inner and external stakeholders respond?
PUBLICATION DATE: November 03, 2011 PRODUCT #: 412081-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about GLOBAL BUSINESS