In the late 1990s, The Mountain Institute (a small, non-profit environmental organization) began working with the Antamina Mining Co. (one of the world's largest mining companies) to help it review its plans for the large zinc and copper mines. Cooperation is road design, which not only protects the fragile ecosystem, but it was more cost effective than the original plan of the company. This article explains the important role played by financial institutions in ensuring Mountain Institute to engage the attention of Antamina and establish your credibility as an objective source of expertise and valuable partner in the planning and development process. Raises questions, corporations, public policy, and environmental organizations have to decide for such cooperation to be successful in the long term. "Hide
on D. Jane Pratt Source: California Management Review 7 pages. Publication Date: April 1, 2001. Prod. #: CMR198-PDF-ENG