Cooper construction ltd.: Goodman School Of Business Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Cooper construction ltd.: Goodman School Of Business Case Study Solution


Cooper Construction LTD is a construction company tasked with building a new office building for a client. The project involves the construction of a four-story building with an underground parking lot, and the estimated duration of the project is 18 months. The case study focuses on the last nine months of the project, during which time the project team faces significant challenges.

The purpose of the case study is to analyze the project and provide insights into the challenges faced by the project team. It will also identify the stakeholders involved in the project and their respective interests. Additionally, the study will evaluate the complexity of the project from a scheduling and planning perspective and assess whether the project is in jeopardy of finishing late.

Furthermore, the study will explore how the contractor could "crash" the project to improve its schedule and define the success criteria for the project from the perspective of each major constituent group, including the owner, designer(s), and contractors. Finally, the study will conclude by evaluating whether the project can be completed successfully, taking into account the challenges faced and the interests of the various stakeholders involved.

Problem Statement

Cooper Construction LTD faces challenges in completing a construction project on time and within budget. The project involves building a new sports complex for a local university. Despite diligent planning and resource allocation, the project has encountered setbacks, including unexpected delays and increased costs. As the project enters its final nine months, the construction team faces significant challenges, such as unforeseen weather conditions, supply chain disruptions, and subcontractor coordination issues.

The project's success depends on the timely completion of critical path activities and the effective management of project risks. Failure to complete the project on time could result in costly penalties and reputational damage for the construction company. The construction team must identify strategies to mitigate project risks and improve project performance to ensure the successful completion of the project (Goodman, 2019).

Overall, the problem statement for the Cooper Construction LTD project is how to overcome the obstacles faced by the project team to ensure that the project is completed successfully, within budget, and on time. The case study provides an opportunity to analyze the challenges and consider potential solutions to mitigate the risks and achieve the project's goals.


Project Participants and Stakeholders

The success of any construction project depends on the collaboration and cooperation of various stakeholders involved in the project. In the case of Cooper Construction LTD, the project participants and stakeholders are numerous and have different interests. The key project participants are the owner, designer(s), contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, and regulatory bodies. The owner of the project is the one who initiated the project and will benefit from its successful completion. In this case, the owner is Cooper Construction LTD. Their primary interest is to ensure the project is completed within the agreed budget, time frame, and quality standards (Goerz, 2021).

The designer(s) are responsible for designing the building, producing the construction drawings, and ensuring that they are up to standard. They have an interest in ensuring that the design is adhered to and that any changes are made in a timely and efficient manner. The contractors are responsible for carrying out the construction work as per the design specifications, schedule, and budget.

Their primary interest is to complete the project on time and within budget while maintaining quality standards. Subcontractors and suppliers are critical stakeholders in any construction project, and their role in the Cooper Construction LTD project is no different. They provide specialized services and materials needed for the construction work to proceed. They have an interest in ensuring timely payment for their services and that the materials provided meet quality standards (Fine, 2022).

Regulatory bodies are responsible for ensuring that the construction work is carried out according to the building codes and regulations. They have an interest in ensuring that the building is safe for use and that it meets the required standards. The interests of these stakeholders are varied, and sometimes, they may conflict.

For instance, the contractor may want to complete the project within a short time frame to maximize their profits, while the owner may want the project to be completed within a specific budget. Similarly, the designer may want to incorporate new design elements, while the contractor may view them as a hindrance to the project's progress. In such situations, effective communication and collaboration are critical in finding a mutually agreeable solution............

Cooper construction ltd. Goodman School Of Business Case Study Solution

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