Continuity Of My Job Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Continuity Of My Job Case Solution

  1. Leadership and Communication Skills

Great coordinators, Resource Investigators and Team-Workers are very good in Verbal Communication, which also include: Listening, and Questioning. They work very hard, helping each other because they don’t want to create-misunderstandings. At any difficulty; they make new ways for solving issue.

How This Course That Is “Visionary Leadership” Will Help Me in My Career

1.Creates a sense of purpose

Visionary leadership is a course, in which I have learned how to be clear in any ideas of life, without any confusion. It provides a sense of purpose, which drives me towards a satisfying future ahead. I studied how to make concrete steps to bring a vision in life and how to lead a team in one direction. The visionary leadership in private schools could significantly affect the quality of high level, in a positive manner.

  1. Innovation & creativity

 The visionary leadership helps in fostering the culture of innovation and creativity which is of high importance in any field. Additionally, since the pace of the online models, e-commerce and business are adopted across many geographies and industries; treasurers tend to face real time demand on payments and cash management. Thus, the in-depth knowledge and understanding of the businesses of customers, combined with the knowledge of technologies, such as: robotics or APIs, enables the treasurers to closely work with clients to design innovative solutions. The subject has helped me in being creative and innovative.

How this course that is “Non-verbal communication” will help me in my career

1.Build trust

In order to maintain an effective relationship with each other; we  communicate with each other in our daily life and we use various kinds of communication medium so that we can communicate with our family, friends and colleagues, Non-verbal communication is a bit different;it basically means voluntary or involuntary non-verbal signals, such as: smiling or blushing, providing a basis to build trust and mutual respect.

2.Understand non-verbal cues

The recent research about non-verbal communication deals with the viewpoints of contemporary perspectives.It is contrastingly different than the verbal communication, as it includes: gestures, eye gaze and other actions that do not need words to explain. My profession that is of a treasurer,is all about mind work, and my work requires more intelligence than the verbal communications, so the non-verbal communications are more applicable at my workplace.

Skills and outcomes Of MBA which will help in growth at my workplace:

My course that is Master of Business, is a combination of theory, case studies, practical demonstrations or role plays and group projects, which will enable me to develop practical skills and critical thinking skills that I would be able to apply in future at my workplace. Also I will show my management and recruitment skills in recruitment process of candidates.Also I’ll give advice to the HR department when there’s any need. My interests include: market research, activity engagement, business research, financial research, professional development and maintenance and evaluation.


This degree which I am completing right now, is:  Masters of Business administration, which tends to provide limitless opportunities to me, in terms of continuity of my job, provision of a life-time chance to groom my personality and opening the doors to endless opportunities in various markets. In my job, I have learned many to execute and perform various tasks that were also different and alternative tasks to what I was used to perform, and this made me an all-rounder in several other fields than finance, for example: Database Administrator, Technology and networking, Management, Senior Management, Manager Risk Management, Project, Business development management and Business operations management. After acquiring the skills which I will learn from MBA; I am sure that I will become capable of dealing with problems related to database, taxation, business development and management concerns, with an expertise and I will also be able to give more to my job and do more for my professional growth. My exposure in the Treasurer Field with an MBA degree,alongside such academic knowledge, will assist me in becoming an asset to this organization....................

Continuity Of My Job Case Solution

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