This is a set of three cases is a mediation involving three specialists in a consulting firm with two disputants (new MBA consultant and head of the group of programmers), both running on the client team, and "interested" mediator with its own pressure and the agenda that would prefer focus on business issues and to resolve the dispute quickly. Dimensions are as professional dispute (whether changes should be made to the computer system installed by a team) and personal (questions respect and authority.) Cases are intended for use as part of the block to mediation. We use cases, in some cases, which allows each student to serve as a mediator and argumentative roles. Class discussion (see Note study) focuses on the skills of mediation, resolutions achieved, and the role of "mediator interested", a role in which MBA graduates often find themselves. "Hide
by Dana Clyman, David Pinto Source: Darden School of Business 2 pages. Publication Date: March 13, 2002. Prod. #: UV3835-PDF-ENG