In the modern era with the introduction of new brands everyday it has become increasingly difficult for companies to compete in the market. Global branding and the brands that are marketed globally have lost their luster because of the transnational companies have become prominent players in the market.
Customers in the modern era and with the increasing preferences of the different commodities have actually looked for different options rather than relying more frequently on international and foreign brands. The reason has been quite obvious and rather simple; the organizations that have been looking to become global have stayed ahead of the local players.
However, there are some brands that have been looking to explore the opportunity of staying customized and as per the preference of the market they are competing in. This has to be the most successful method in the fast moving and the ever growing market. In the past, the customers were generally fond of international brands and foreign products (De Mooij, 2011).
However, more recently, the shift in focus has made the companies and the bigger and larger brands to think about the new business methods. The companies in the international market that have been the major players have tried to solve the issue of customer demand and preferences in the modern era.
It is a fact and a necessity for the international companies to actually more accustomed and aware of the differences within the vultures and the consumer behavior to stay ahead of competition in the every changing business environment.
Although the different international companies have been aiming to communicate the same image of global brands for all the consumers across the globe, however in spite of the efforts made by the company to ensure a similar brand perception is perceived differently due to the differences in the cultural values (Benet-Martínez, 2001).
The aim of the paper is to; therefore, explore the consideration of perceptual differences by a business firm in making a global marketing plan. Moreover, the paper also looks to explore the image of one global brand that has been operating in different countries and has different image in the market.
Brands in the international market play an integral part in companies marketing strategy. Apart from making the customer aware about the product offerings, the brand basically creates awareness and it also distinguishes the brand from its rivals and also the different products offered in the industry. A consumer perception of a brand is that it has multiple purposes and it can be used in different methods and can fulfill different functions.
The brand name actually helps and guides the consumer when making a choice as well as it also looks to help min summarizing the information about a product’s specific characteristics. It also looks to enable the functions of making a brand or a product different to others in the market.
Along with this, a brand actually helps in communication and it also is one of the most integral functions to master in order to compete in the highly competitive market. Since all major global brands offer and present its products in the international market therefore, it becomes inevitable for the players to have a successful branding strategy and a marketing mix that can complement the brand the organization and its worth (De Mooij, 2010).
Moreover, in order to establish a marketing plan for a brand to operate in different countries it has to have a global marketing plan so that the organization can sustain itself with the different perceptual differences as to how they actually see the brand.
Background of the company
The company that has been selected for the research is Volvo. The reason Volvo has been selected because it is an established brand that has been competing in all the international markets for a long time. Since the company has been quite consistent with its products and has been considered one of the safest cars, therefore, it has a high recognition amongst the industry players and also the customers perceive it as a top quality brand (Volvo, 2012).Consideration of Perceptual Differences by a Business Firm in Making a Global Marketing Plan Case Solution
The product category that has been selected is the global firm ensures best that it is taking into account the perceptual differences that may exist as a result of diverse cultures, religions, ethnicities, and other factors when creating a worldwide marketing plan.
Since Volvo has been involved in quite a few acquisitions, therefore, the company has been exposed to a number of different cultures and it has also looked to play a role in the decision making through tangible and intangible products (Volvo, 2012).........................
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