Conflict Management Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Question 1

The type of conflict in the given situation is Intragroup Conflict. The intragroup conflict is the conflict which arises amongst the individuals within a team. The misunderstandings and incompatibilities are the sources of Intragroup Conflict though conflicts can be helpful in generating new ideas or taking decisions. Sometimes, the degree of conflicts disturbs the collaboration among the members; therefore, the management should take serious actions in order to get the conflict settled.

Question 2

The International English Training School had half of the employees from different countries and half of the employees were Chinese. The staff structure of the school was half foreigners and half of the school was Chinese. The reason for which the conflict occurred was that the HR Management of the school believed that the foreign employees were the best promotion for the school. Due to this believe, HR paid them high salaries and offered them vacations, so that they keep working for the school. This behavior of HR made the Chinese employees feel disappointed and demotivated. They had the feeling that HR was ignoring their needs and giving an upper hand to the foreigners, which made them feel quite low.

It was continued due to the reason that HR was not taking any initiative for solving the conflict between Foreigners and Chinese. The main reason for the conflict was the difference between salaries and benefits of Foreigners and Chinese. HR manager was not taking initiatives for bringing the Chinese on the same level of Foreigners. The conflict could have been settled if the Chinese were given same prestige like Foreigners.

Question 3

The conflict style that the parties were using was Avoiding Conflict Style. This was because the conflict between Foreigners, and Chinese was being avoided by the management and hence, the conflict was making the situation worse as the Chinese employees were demotivated due to the differences. It can be more elaborated with the help of an example; manager avoids the conflicts with employees as the manager knows that if he indulges in conflict with the employees then the work environment would be disturbed.


The approach for International English Training School will be that, first of all the staff of the school would be treated equally in terms of salaries and benefits. This is very important to treat the employees equally, regardless of their nationalities. Half of the staff included Foreigners and there was a need of keeping them interested in the school as the school was based on English training. The foreigners usually have a bunch of opportunities. So to keep them interested in the job, school was paying them high salary and benefits. The approach will be that the school will pay Foreigners same salaries like Chinese, but they will be given benefits like vacations and bonuses. These benefits will be given so that foreigners can be kept interested in their jobs, but their salaries will be equal to the Chinese in order to avoid conflicts. Moreover, workshops should be conducted by the school for training the Chinese employees, so that the standard like foreigners can be maintained.

The parties were not using this approach; the approach suggested will be effective as the approach looks forward to eliminate the reasons which are causing conflicts. The Chinese were wrongly treated in terms of salaries and benefit, which was resulting in the conflicts. The approach will benefit the school and its staff as well.......................

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