Complimentary Case Study Questions: Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Complimentary Case Study Questions: Case Study Help

What options does Sandra have? What should be her action plan?

In order to align the bank’s operations and services with the objective of ensuring environmental sustainability, Sandra can provide finance to oil and mining companies whose oil production plans are conservative so that the environmental damage could be prevented to a significant level. Alternatively, Sandra can also advise the executives to provide financial assistance to the energy sector by offering environmental friendly oil extraction equipment on finance lease at low-interest rates in order to encourage theoil and mining companies to use the environment friendly equipment in the oil extraction process. Moreover, a long term solution to the issue will be that the bank can collaborate with companies involved in environmental research programs or species recovery programs by funding the programs at 0% markup. Alternatively, the bank can revise its financing policies and state that the borrowing party will pay 5% as environmental damage cost.

Given the bank’s core competence in energy, what might be its strategy going forward? How can they create a win-win?

In order to create a win-win solution to the problem, the bank is suggested to offer an advanced environmental technology to businesses on finance lease. This will provide a higher return to the bank, thus, its profitability will be maintained and the institution’s objective of ensuring environmental sustainability will also be achieved. This strategy will be implemented by selecting a suitable supplier offering environmentally friendly machinery at suitable rates and establishing lease contract terms, which includes tenure of the lease, annual installments and other terms and conditions related to the maintenance and tax payment of the machine.

What do you think is the role of business vs. government when resources, especially scarce resources, such as oil and water, are at stake?

Role of Business:

In order to achieve growth and ensure the financial stability and performance, businesses are required to meet the consumer demands. As a result of the scarcity of oil, businesses will need to come up with new ideas and business models to fulfill their customers’ needs. For instance, since oil is a scarce resource, the businesses can provide alternative resources to its customers, such as: water fuelled cars, solar concept vehicles, wastewater treatment and more. Solar concept cars are powered by solar panels and require solar energy, whereas water fuelled cars works on energy derived directly from water, which will ensure the sustainability of the oil resource.

Government’s role:

Similarly, the government plays a very crucial role in ensuring the sustainability of the scarce resource. If a resource is scarce, it is the government’s job to employ measures to avoid depletion of the resource while maintaining the demand of the oil. For instance, in order to reduce the demand for oil in the region, the government can pass a law that each familywill only be allowed to own a maximum number of two cars. This will result in reduced oil demand as less oil will be required by consumers. Similarly, it can secure the long term sustainability of the freshwater resource by establishing maximum limits for water consumption and water pollution in rivers in order to ensure a balance between water, people and nature................................


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