Compare the validity of different instruments to measure physical activity and sedentary behaviour Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Aim of this Research

The aim of this research is to compare the validity of different instruments for measuring the physical activity and sedentary behaviour. This will be analyzed through data collection of 8 groups for 3 years from 2014 to 2016.The data collected is qualitative data and protocols will be used for extracting the data for analysis.


Nature of the research

Since the study’s purpose is to gauge the different instruments’ validity for measuring sedentary behavior and physical activity, the quantitative method of gathering data will be used, making the nature of research quantitative(S.F.M.Chastin, 2010). In doing so, the secondary data gathering technique will be adopted to take the insight from the other research which is related to physical activity from the internet sources(Caspersen, 1986). In addition to this, the observational technique (Interview) will be adopted to pursue the research, since the adoption and efficiency in processes can be gauged through proper in-depth observation and survey(F.Sallis, 2009).

Type of research

The current research paper will be conducted using the primary and secondary research both. Since a lot of work has been done primarily on the particular topic from a different perspective, these studies will help us in developing the fundamentals of our research(Baecke, 1982). Also, the interview technique will be used which will make the research more authentic and add a qualitative aspect to the study (Trost, 2001)

Target Population

The target population for the research will be the individuals who are engaged in physical activities for being healthyand also those who have sedentary behaviour. Also, the data available in journals will be targeted for the secondary research from the internet.

Sampling Method

During the current research study, the data collection tool used for collecting the data was the random sampling technique for reaching at the desired outcome for data sampling. It shows that data sampling has eliminated the biasness from its sample by designing it in such a way that also makes the asymmetries disappear from the sampling data.

Sample size

By taking into consideration the scope and limitations of the research, the sample size in this study has been chosen as 8 groups for the year from 2014-2016. Moreover, balance curve is balanced in the current sample size of the research by getting the authentic and valid data sets.

Researcher’s role:

The researcher’s role will be to conduct the interview and perform the role of the clinical interviewer. The data would be taken by asking aquestion regarding the overall activities per day. This would help in comparing the validity of different instruments to measure physical activity and sedentary behaviour.
Compare the validity of different instruments to measure physical activity and sedentary behaviour Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Data Gathering

The techniques which have been used for collecting the data on the physical activity and sedentary behavior are through primary and secondary data. The primary data has been collected through conducting interview and survey, whereas the secondary data has been collected by looking and analyzing the past researches related with this study from the internet sources.

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