Few people will be surprised to learn that the number one cause of customer complaints these days is bad service: waiting time, impersonal delivery, inconvenient hours and locations - the list goes on. Maybe it's because everything from marketing slogans ("I have my own way," "affordable luxury") to the new technologies ("always-on", "on-demand") has led us to believe that the client always right, no matter what. But the same trends that have led us to expect instant gratification also allows companies to develop innovative models to accommodate the increased demands of customers. authors introduce the concept of shared services and show how it provides the opportunity to discover what what is really important to your customers and design service category change gestures that are not only better serve the people, but to make a strong statement about your brand. "Hide
by Heather Emerson, Ashley Powell Source: Rotman School of Management, 5 pages. Date Published: September 1, 2011. Prod. #: ROT149-PDF-ENG