Cold Chain Distribution Issues at Indo-Euro Pharma Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The supply chain director of Indo-Euro Pharma summoned an pressing meeting in reaction to substantial losses incurred by the organization in the last fiscal year. This was mainly because of the return of yet another international consignment of temperature-sensitive drugs (TSDs) - this time worth millions of dollars. The meeting focused on the inability of Indo-Euro Pharma monitor and to appropriately distribute TSDs cost efficiently across places and the many stages of the supply chain - especially at the level that was pharmacist.

Subversions from drugs' essential temperature ranges could occur in aircraft, sea containers, trucks, etc. during storage, packaging, transport, loading and unloading. It was exceptionally hard to monitor whether pharmacists were succeeding proper procedures for keeping TSDs. Most medical stores in India had domestic fridges that demanded recurring calibration. The issues signaled the need for Indo-Euro Pharma to adopt an alternative supply system that was especially tailored for TSDs. Helen Rogers is affiliated with Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen. Kulwant Pawar is affiliated with University of Nottingham. Janat Shah is linked with IIM, Udaipur

PUBLICATION DATE: December 16, 2013 PRODUCT #: W13525-PDF-ENG

This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE

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