To optimize their effectiveness, shade cases should be printed in colour. It had passed through several growth periods but by 2010 a brand new challenge, and opportunity, had sprung up when its partners in a school turnaround cooperation and City Year - Diplomas Now - won a prestigious Department of Education Investing in Innovation grant. This speeded up City Year's part in turning around low performing schools, but added pressure on the organization. New systems and practices had been developed, but more needed to be carried out to ensure that City Year became efficient in deploying its limited resources, in applying the best interventions in schools, and keeping its funding sources. In Jim Balfanz November 2011, City Year President, and Michael Brown, CEO and co-founder, wondered what the changes would mean for City Year.
PUBLICATION DATE: April 28, 2011 PRODUCT #: 311080-HCC-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT