As the commercial real estate market began to crash in the early 1990s, heavily exposed banks like Citibank and Chase Manhattan remained largely insufficient. John Reed, Citibank chairman and chief executive officer, was caught off guard a sudden drop in the market. While Reid tried to maintain a capital reserve of us his bank further weakness in Citi began to emerge. In addition, missing the arrival of the housing crisis Citi had poorly managed internal operations, inflated acquisitions and grew heavy on the organizational excess. Poor management Citi left in the care of federal regulators, worried about the solvency of banks. The case examines the roots of these problems and the measures taken by Reed return the bank is well-managed and stable structure. "Hide
by Julie M. Wolf, Ian McKown Cornell Source: Harvard Business School 17 pages. Publication Date: February 6, 2012. Prod. #: 712446-PDF-ENG