Cibc: Internalizing Open Innovation Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Cibc: Internalizing Open Innovation  The case solution

3. Problem Definition

Simone was dealing with the internal issues because the enterprise innovation needed employees to buyin for the success of the project. For Simone, it was important to convince her team and to increase their participation because in the end, the team members were the ones who would help her in implementation and their partnership would be required to make the business work. So to solve the issues; Simone asked the team members to change the tone of the conversation with naysayers and asked to use the “ok what’s next” rather than No. And the other issue was that the team leads and heads were not participating much and Simone used informal groupings to solve this issue. The internal issues in the bank were less support from the heads and team leads and less employees’ participation (Chandrasekhar, 2017).

1.Development of Alternatives

Simone has few alternative strategies to follow to manage the open innovation projects:

  • Adding a facilitator in the process to simplify the process.
  • Make an individual team to manage the process.
  • Leave the option of facilitator and carry on with convincing the team members.

5. Evaluation of Alternatives and Recommendation to Management

Evaluation of alternatives

  • Adding a facilitator in the process to simplify the process

Simone is considering adding a facilitator in between to facilitate the whole process, but she is also concerned about the implication of this step. Let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this option. Adding a facilitator can help the company to smoother the whole process and this one person will be responsible for the results of the project. And it could also increase the chances of project’s success. So the internal teams and heads are already not willing to support the projects because they are reluctant to change. So in the meanwhile; if the company brings someone as a facilitator to help with the open innovation projects; it will increase the complexity in the bank and the heads will feel threatened by the situation. Adding a facilitator at this stage will decrease the chances of project’s success. Along with that, it is also expected that the teams and heads will oppose the projects openly.

  • Make a Separate team to manage the process

This alternative option will help Simone to manage a team and this team will be responsible for the projects. The team members will be selected from within the organization. This will be treated as an additional responsibility of the employees, which will increase the internal employees’ motivation to achieve the assigned tasks. The chances of project’s success will increase because the project completion incentives will increase the employees’ motivation.

Further, few people in the team can still oppose the project and create hurdles for the team members to achieve the set goals. Before making teams, it would be Simone’s responsibility to carefully analyze the willingness of the employees. The willing participation of employees will ensure the achievement of better results.

  • Leave the option of facilitator and carry on with convincing the team members

This option will decrease hassle for Simone. This option will help Simone to convince the employees and team heads to help the organization in achieving its goals. This option for Simone is convenient because it would need internal participation. Employees’ internal participation will help Simone in achieving the project’s goal. The disadvantage of this option is the increase in training cost. It will increase Simone's responsibility as a participant in this project.......................

Cibc Internalizing Open Innovation The case solution

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