This case tells the story of the creation and development of public television in New Jersey, focused on the rise and fall of its first executive director, Lawrence Frymire. This implicitly raises the question of why Frymire-someone with a distinguished career, had overseen the broadcast network owned by the state station for ten years and was responsible for getting them on the air, in the first place seemed suddenly lose confidence gubernatorially appointed board which he reported. Were the reasons for the board, and possibly New Jersey governor, noble or highly political? What signs can Frymire said to prevent his dismissal? Housing provides a means for a discussion on the policy of public authorities and careers of those who work for them. HKS Case Number 1772.0 "Hide
by Dan H. Fenn Jr. Source: Harvard Kennedy School 15 pages. Publication Date: 01 Oct 2004. Prod. #: HKS089-PDF-ENG