CBM Pte Ltd (CBM) has emerged as a subsidiary designed to support facilities management (FM) needs of their parents’ real estate, Singapore City Events Ltd regarded as an industry, FM made a surprisingly large component of GDP in developed markets such as Europe and North America, and began to grow rapidly in emerging markets such as Asia and the Middle East. From Singapore to market saturation and new opportunities arising in the foreign markets, which recently reorganized company good access, CBM has achieved double-digit growth in several years. However, FM market is developing as major players have started to expand its overseas network and integrate their services adhere to international customers worldwide. There was a trend towards the integration of services and environmental sustainability opportunities for CBM, or a threat? How could they maintain their profitable growth? “Hide
on A. Lee Gilbert Source: CCP in Nanyang Tech University 21 pages. Publication Date: November 5, 2012. Prod. #: NTU031-PDF-ENG
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