Case - Constructing a Nation: The United States and Their Constitution, 1763-1792 Case Solution
How did the economic problems facing the new nation affect the design of the U.S. Constitution
- As stated in the constitution, the central government hasto provide jobs for the citizens in the country.
- The central government hasto make policies for making the residential real estate easier to buy for medium and lower class of citizens
- The state should provide better business environment to the country which would create a better economy.
- The state owned organizations should be managed properly as they provide returns to the national reserves.
- The government should monitor the trade balance of the country as the trade imbalance tends to negatively affect the economy.
- Decentralization is a norm in the US therefore, better sighting over the monopoly control should exist for market progression.
- The government should manage the control of dumping goods from other countries which would negatively affect the country’s economy.
- The government should make better strategic relationships and economic cooperation with other countries for better trade.
- The government should provide a better environment regarding job creation which would facilitate the economy.
How does the U.S. Constitution deal with property rights? How do rights associated with property affect the economy? What should be considered as “property” and what “rights” should accrue to property holders?
- The government should provide better division of real estate among the lower and middle classes of citizen in the country.
- The right on property should be given to those who comply with better terms and conditions.
- No right of the property should be given on the basis of any bribe or corruption.
- Proper evaluation and check and balance of the prospective user should be done before giving any right for development.
- Construction companies should have to go through with the proper tendering process for making and development in the country.
- No construction company should be given rights for construction on the noncompliance of any laws and regulations.
- Larger construction project would helping the development of the economy at a faster rate.
- The government should be fair in distribution of property right to the intended user.
- The equal treatment of rights on the property and real estate should be provided to the end consumers.
- The proper taxation on the property and real estate would help the reserve of the country.
- The proper structure of local government should be provided by the central government to facilitate the local residents.
- Efficient control over the prices of the real estate should be maintained by the central government.
- No significant fluctuation in the real estate price should happen for the advantage of small group.
- The state should provide better freedom to the citizens of the country in terms of real estate......... This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.