Case Analysis: The battle of Bulge: Innovation of Obesity Treatments Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Case Analysis: The battle of Bulge: Innovation of Obesity Treatments Case Solution


Dr. Ornish designed different models in his program which was known as the lifestyle advantage moreover, these designed models were constructed in a way to treat obesity and overweight issues. However, the program was the result of the basic idea which was developed by Dr. Ornish that a program has to be developed to control the increasing number of obese and over weighed people however, the reason was not only to earn profit from the idea but to serve the people of the region since, there were very few hospitals which were dealing with similar issues and the market size was huge and over 3 billion therefore, Dr. Ornish decided to enter in the segment and to serve people in the same segment and to earn a significant profit. On the other hand, growth was still not predictable because of high competition and volatility of the market.

Programs and their Structure

In the model (appendix 1) it can be seen that the food program is falling under the domain of consumer since, there is no role of technology required in the program the only way to treat the patient in this type of program is the change of food and routine diet. Moreover, under this program the trainer usually sets a target for the candidate and designs the diet accordingly to achieve the diet and weight target. Furthermore, the candidate also have to make a short workout for almost 30 minutes. However, healthy diet has been proposed to the candidate under this program under which everything has to be switched with fruits and vegetables.

In addition meat and all other animals had removed from the diet in the certain time frame among which the candidate have to achieve the weight reduction goal. Therefore, it can be seen that the complete program went under the change of diet and there is no role of technology or integration finally, it can be said that the food program is completely pertaining to the consumer innovation.

Furthermore, the support program falls under the category of integrator since, the only work which is being done under this program is the integration among the team members and the class leader. Companies are working under this innovation technique in a way that the only have to rent a meeting place in the town and then members has to meet over there and to make integration by exchanging ideas and suggestions among the class leader and group members. Finally, there are many companies which are working in the same domain and earning a significant revenue and increasing their ultimate profit.

            In addition, medically supervised programs are falling under the domain of technology since, a lot of contribution has been made by technology for the sake of reducing weight and preventing obesity. Medically supervised programs involved a lot of technological improvements and processes since, there are several medical procedures and pharmaceuticals products involved in the designing of these diet plans. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical products include medicines and therefore, clinical trials and test are more important to launch these medicines.

Hospital based and Forest Bariatric programs falls under the domain of technology since, under these types of obesity and overweight treatment a lot of technology requires since, majority of the time the physician set a target and then assign medicines to the person having overweight and obesity issues. Moreover, technology plays a crucial role under this category since, surgical treatment also been given to patients having similar problems and without technology and its involvement in the category it is impossible to give proper treatment to the patient.

Lastly, the incentive programs will be accounted for as the integrator programs since under these types of programs there is no role for technology and due to this these sort of strategies will also not be accounted as for consumer......................

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