Explore Careers facing successful women who leave full-time work force for several years to manage family commitments. Carol Cohen in 1985, Harvard MBA, who has experience in production line, and then the successful transition to investment banking. Details of the Cohen decision to return to a professional career after nearly 11 years of daily labor. Explains the decision making process, including discussions with her husband about the shared responsibility of raising children, and contains detailed information on its professional networking, resume development and interview preparation. Concludes with a proposal for the work of Cohen Sankaty Advisors, Bain Capital Partners company. Discussion centers on the decision to return to work, the strategic plan and specific steps, and concludes with questions about setting expectations – both at home and at work – and negotiate the terms “Hide
. by Myra M. Hart, Robin J. Ely, Susan Voivod Source: Harvard Business School 11 pages. Publication Date: May 14, 2003. Prod. #: 803185-PDF-ENG
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