When Dick Calder named head of the CIA Authority (DA) in 1995, he is faced with the task of leading beleaguered organization through a difficult period. As the unit responsible for the provision of more glamorous collection and analysis of colleagues with administrative services, from logistics for mobile personnel services, it bears the brunt of decades to reduce the agency's budget. Other departments do not sympathy, however, see DA as wasteful and unresponsive. In the hope of improving services and the level of DA clients satisfaction, Calder offers a new solution management woes: ". Givebacks" This budget reimbursement scheme, DA gives his budget back to the "mission" of controls, which are then available to support services from the DA or if they chose another supplier. Calder reasons that the specter of competition will improve the delivery of DA services, while at the same time, it would encourage other departments to purchase more wisely, in accordance with the budget cuts, service agencies, in particular, because they will be allowed to keep any savings they understood. This is a radical proposal by nature conservative one agency, except one whose covert mission makes unusual demands on the deliverer of the routine services. This series of cases of organizational change efforts should be on the implementation of the budget Calder givebacks in DA. They detail his strategy to win support for their ideas, experience several pilot programs giveback it initiates, and he met strong resistance in both DA and other agencies. However there is the question of adaptation to the political and financial conditions, and innovation management in the organization, is deeply skeptical of the changes. HKS Case Number 1516.1 "Hide
Steve Kelman on 3 pages. Publication Date: August 1, 1999. Prod. #: HKS203-PDF-ENG