Every day around the world, babies and children are sold. Often these operations appear to be above or outside the market. Orphaned children are never "sold" - they just "fit" with their "forever family." Eggs "donated" and surrogate mothers offer their services to help infertile. Of course, the rhetoric that surrounds these transactions do not have anything to do with the market or profit. It is possible that people who spend their only want to help. But neither rhetoric nor motive can change the primary activity. When parents buy eggs or sperm, the contract with surrogates, or choose to take a child or an embryo implants, they do business. Analyzes the work of child trafficking, exploring the area where the technology is now a lot faster than the right. "Hide
by Kate Reavis, Debora L. Spar Source: Harvard Business School 17 pages. Publication Date: March 26, 2004. Prod. #: 704037-PDF-ENG