Burchell and Listokin 1994 Case Study Solution
What is an impact fee (termed a “shared infrastructure cost” in Burchell and Listokin 1994)?
According to Burchell and listokin, 1994. The shared infrastructure cost is known as the cost Of Exaction Placed on Growth. Whereas, The exaction fees or growth fees imposed on residents, in relation to the developments taking place in their areas With respect to their infrastructure. Furthermore, these growth fees or exaction fees are also known as impact fees. In addition to this, impact fees is known as the fees imposed by the government In the new developmental projects and to be paid by the new residents in advance, a portion of the total cost to be incurred on the development project. |
What are sources of infrastructure financing for new development other than impact fees? (0.5-1 page)
After analyzing the articles, it can be determined that, to finance the cost of developing or improving infrastructure could be taken from the banks Or other financial institution available in the market. Therefore, it can be evaluated that, the development authority could be charged with an interest rate at an specified rate over a period of time, if they decided to finance their cost of development through bank loans or any other form of loan payable over a period. In addition to this, the developmental authorities could also finance the developmental process through the taxes collected from all the people available in the country. However, these taxes could be related to the impact fees mentioned earlier. But, if the developmental authorities use the cash flows generated from the taxes collected in the form of sales tax or income tax then these cash flows would not be in relation to the impact fees. However, or can be determined that, these financing sources would enable the developmental authorities to generate sufficient cash flow to find their developmental processes and effectively update our improve their existing infrastructure, while providing better services to the residents. |
Briefly (0.5-1 page) describe some of the legal and equitable/other principlesthat should guide the formulation of an impact fee?
After analyzing the articles, It can be evaluated that, the impact fees, is a fees On the new residents by the government to pay for a portion of the new developmental project purposed. In an attempt to provide the existing residents. Therefore, the main principle of the impact fees or exaction was to provide, existing residents with the needed developments, while the people who were benefiting would pay a portion of the cost of developing facilities in the form of cash payments. Furthermore, or can be determined that, the government’s had Legal grounds to impose exaction on the new residents, attributed to the shift of financing the development activity from residents and the cut in budgets could also compromise the developmental authorities ability to effectively develop the infrastructure of the residential areas, while getting and maintaining sufficient cash flows to fund the costly developmental processes. Therefore, some times it was necessary for the governmental to impose exaction on its new residents of those person that would benefit from the development and make them pay a portion of the cost of development. Loading...
Briefly (1-2 pages) describe some of the steps in formulating an impact fee (Cowley 2006 22-25; Burchell and Listokin 1994; Newport Partners/Virginia Polytechnic 2008).
After analyzing the Articles, it can be determined that, certain step should be taken while formulating the impact fees imposed on the new developmental projects. The government should identify and estimate the total amount of cost that Would be incurred to finance the developmental project and after they have estimated the total cost they should estimate the proportion that would be financed through Impact fees and the proportion that would be finance through loan. Moreover, after Identifying the amount that would be financed through Impact fees, they should determine the number of new residents available or the number of people that would benefit from the development project then divide the total amount of proportioned for impact fees among the new residents or benefited individuals identified equally. Which would enable the developmental authorities to gain and maintain sufficient funds prior to the development projects initiation. Which, in turn, would enable to effectively implement the development processes with regards to facilities, including road and sewer systems. Which would also fulfill, the criteria Of providing existing residents with the needed developments, which were financed by new residents or those persons benefiting from the facility developments. In additions to this, after analyzing the key residents and determine the budget for the development process, the governmental Development authorities could effectively and efficiently implement proper developments with respect to the facilities under consideration, while maintaining sufficient cash flows to fund the development project throughout it’s life without experiencing any unnecessary delays. Which would increase the cost of the facility Development and tender the developmental project out of budget. Which would really towards increasing the impact fees paid by the new residents or relative parties benefiting from the process.Furthermore, the development authorities could collect the impact fees in the form of developmental taxes, utility connection fees and fees in lieu. Which would allow them generate sufficient cash flows to support their development of facilities................................... This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.