This three-part series traces the fate of cases of wineries in California. In June 2001, Brooke Correll, a former top manager of MTV, Ziff-Davis Media, and, joined the private Clos Du Val Wine Company, in Napa, California, as director of marketing. Founded expert winemaker, with links to known Château Lafite Rothschild, Clos Du Val saw his glory days, with high ratings accompanied by credible sales. In 1990, however, sales began to fall behind. As the first winery marketing professional, Correll must chart a new course for the winery to revive the once hot brand and reverse flagging sales. See also A and B cases.
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by Marian Moore, Gosia Glinskaya Source: Darden School of Business 9 pages. Publication Date: November 29, 2007. Prod. #: UV0746-PDF-ENG