In May 2002, Arthur Andersen failedina significant part of Arthur Andersen India merged with Ernst & Young. Therefore, BMR Advisors was began to supply high quality professional services; wherein it needed to differentiate itself and compete entirely on quality. BMR started with services in three places - Tax, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Risk Advisory - an unique blend which could solve any business problem.
The management consulting and audit services were purposefully not offered. BMR focused on maintaining a low leverage ratio, that is, the amount of team members per partner, to ensure higher amount of associated time on each homework. BMR Advisors far had achieved success with its low leverage ratio, that's, associate to team members' ratio, which in turn had ensured higher quality of tactical inputs to complex customer engagements and higher amount of associate face time with clients. As the increase entailed more engagements and desired additional team members, which in turn diluted the leverage ratio, maintaining a lower leverage ratio was becoming a challenge, with increased growth in recent times. Besides these unique challenges, BMR advisors also faced regular challenges like ability war, technology, undercutting etc., by competition.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE