In May 2011, the Public Bike System Company, located in Canada Montreal, was getting ready to respond to a request for proposal by New York City to develop a financially self-sustaining public bike-sharing system. Three years prior, the business, possessed by the Montreal Transit Authority, had created a service that made available bikes to members through docking, Bixi, powered by solar energy, spread across the city.
Although its fiscal arrangement was still unproven, it turned out to be a promising alternative that planned to revolutionize urban transfer. Through successful partnership with other bike companies, the organization grown to Minneapolis-St. Paul and Washington D.C. but was experiencing difficulties with its executions in Melbourne, London and Boston. Also, the system in Montreal could not supply evidence of profitability, supplying added cash flow and compelling the city authorities to step in by guaranteeing loans. It also didn't have a clear business plan concerning how, when and where its international growth ought to take place. Now, news of its own troubles in Montreal had made headlines in New York, placing the future of its own expansion ambitions in uncertainty.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION